Programmable Amplifiers - N.E.L. SRL

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The DT2500 is a multi-input programmable amplifier, it is a highly technological and functional product with 5G SAW filter. Following the company philosophy, the amplifier works with an external 12V 1A power supply which facilitates any maintenance. Undisputed shielding and heat dissipation are guaranteed by a robust stainless steel chassis, which can be firmly fixed to the wall or to a base via two solid die-cast brackets. Programming via keypad or with Android App makes any intervention simple and quick.
Technical Specifications
· 32 programmable and equalizable digital filters
· Inputs: 1 VHF, 3 UHF with independent automatic scanning
· 5G LTE filters with SAW technology
· Output level: 124dBμV (IM3 -35dBc)
· Filter monitoring function can be activated
· Integrated pre-amplifier and C.A.G. for each filter
· Remote power supply 12V 100mA max
· Internal conversion up to channel 69
· Intuitive programming from key-pad with LCD display
· Smart configuration via DT2500 APP for Android


The DT154P is the flagship among our programmable devices: compact, intuitive, powerful and with an excellent quality/price ratio, it is the product that has been most successful on the Italian market. Adequate shielding and heat dissipation are guaranteed by a strong chassis and two external heat sinks; it can be firmly fixed to the wall or to a base using two solid die-cast brackets. Programming, very quick and intuitive, takes place via keypad.
Technical Specifications
· 31 programmable digital filters with ACG
· 4 VHF/UHF inputs with one automatic scan
· LTE 5G filters
· Reading in real time of channels input level
· Intermodulation distortion: 120dBµV (IM3 –35dBc)
· Output level adjustable manually
· Slope setting
· Filters monitoring function (<50dBµV)
· Max remote power 12V 50mA
· Conversion up to channel 69
· Intuitive programming from key-pad with OLED display
· Protection from ESD in all ports
· Powerable remotely through coaxial cable
· Strong die-cast chassis

The mast programmable amplifiers were created to satisfy the requests of our customers who sometimes require an outdoor product with similar characteristics to the well established DT154P. Adequate shielding and heat dissipation are guaranteed by a robust stainless steel chassis and an external heat sink. The ABS box with IP53 protection rating, combined with the galvanized steel fixing kit, ensure long-lasting fixing and maximum protection from external atmospheric agents. The DA104P version must be programmed using the DAPROG programmer, in this way the same graphic interface and commands as the DT154P are guaranteed, with the sole limitation of a maximum of 16 insertable MUXes. The item KDA104P includes the programmable device and its 12V power supply.
Technical Specifications
· 16 programmable digital filters with ACG
· 4 VHF/UHF inputs with one automatic scan
· LTE 5G filters
· Reading in real time of channels input level
· Intermodulation distortion: 120dBµV
· Output level adjustable manually
· Slope setting
· Filters monitoring function
· Max remote power 12V 50mA
· Conversion up to channel 69
· Powerable remotely through coaxial cable
· Protection from ESD in all ports
· Resistant ABS case with IP53 protection for outdoor installation

The DAPROG programmer is essential for programming the DA104P mast amplifier. Made of a strong stove-painted steel chassis, it allows, via the connection cable, to interface with the DA104P and carry out all the programming and exploit the functions as with a DT154P. Once programming is complete, simply disconnect the DAPROG and keep it for the next programming.
Technical Specifications
· OLED display and key-pad for programming
· Strong painted die cast chassis
· 5-pin connector with protective ABS cap


The self-programming mast programmable amplifiers were created to satisfy the requests of our customers who sometimes need an outdoor product that allows quick and professional installation, maintaining an optimal quality/price ratio. Adequate shielding and heat dissipation are guaranteed by a robust stainless steel chassis and an external heat sink. The ABS box with IP53 protection rating, combined with the galvanized steel fixing kit, ensure long-lasting fixing and maximum protection from external atmospheric agents. The DA103A version is self-programming, by powering it via the output connector, it enters autoscan mode and up to 31 MUX will be recorded. Is given, by selecting the proper switch, the possibility of activating the CHANNEL SPY function, which allows to scan daily all inputs UHF signals, without interruption of service, performing a dual function of activating and switching off the indivual MUXs, within the limit of the 31 available MUXs, depending on what is transmitted by the repeaters. The item KDA103A includes the programmable device and its 12V power supply.
Technical Specifications
· 31 programmable digital filters with ACG
· 3 VHF/UHF inputs with one automatic scan
· Preamplifiers on all inputs
· Inputs sensitivity: minimum 40dBµV
· Channel Spy function
· LTE 5G filters
· Intermodulation distortion: 115dBµV
· Output level adjustable manually
· Max remote power 12V 50mA
· Powerable remotely through coaxial cable
· Protection from ESD in all ports
· Resistant ABS case with IP53 protection for outdoor installation
TEL. +39.0341.360626
FAX: +39.0341.360610
TEL. +39.0341.360626
FAX: +39.0341.360610
Via Enrico Mattei, 15
23900 LECCO (LC)
P. IVA e C.F. IT04129220135
R.E.A. LECCO N. 422025

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